Get Involved! Ministries of Trinity
A Place at the Table
Hot lunch ministry for our hungry neighbors. Volunteers serve once every six weeks, Sundays – 11:30 a.m.–1:15 p.m. Contact Ginger Bitikofer.
Youth and adult acolytes assist the clergy during worship services, assisting in procession, during the proclamation of the Gospel and the celebration of the sacraments. Young people in grade 5 are invited to train as acolytes. Youth acolytes are from grades 6–12. Please contact Eric Travis for more information.
Bible Study Facilitators
Bible lovers who work closely with the Adult Faith Formation Mission Team to provide facilitated bible studies to Trinity members on Sunday mornings and select weekdays are always needed. Experience in group facilitation or teaching preferred. This year, facilitators will use Kerygma Bible Study guides to facilitate studies on the biblical themes of Knowing God, and Leadership, as well as books from the Old Testament. Contact the Rev. Adrienne Koch.
Boar’s Head and Yule Log Festival
Diocesan-wide Elizabethan Christmas pageant, held at Trinity since 1961. Volunteers needed for costumed and non-costumed roles. Contact the Boar’s Head Committee at [email protected]
Cathedral Events
Group activities to strengthen the cathedral community. Activities: Advent wreath-making, Mardi Gras, fall barbecue and more. Volunteers are needed. Contact Ginger Bitikofer.
Daughters of the King
An Episcopal order for women having a sincere desire to draw nearer to God and to help others do the same through prayer, service, and evangelism. Meets third Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. Also presents the Wall of Love, which offers personal care and hygiene products as well as clothing for those in need in Trinity’s neighborhood. Volunteers sort and place items on the fence in front of Mather Hall. Contact Fran Csoma.
Docents/Tour Guides
The docent ministry leads tours on Trinity’s history, art, architecture and programming. New docents receive training materials and mentoring. Interested in a tour or becoming a docent? Contact Ginger Bitikofer.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
Four-year study of the Bible, church history and theology to help prepare adults for their ministry as baptized Christians. Contacts: Allison Hauserman [email protected]; Toni Ponzo amp1of5@
Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF)
Pray, study and act. Diocese of Ohio chapter of the national organization that addresses issues of peace and justice in our community and the world such as human trafficking, wars and the death penalty. Meets second Saturday of the month at 3 p.m. via Zoom. Contact Catherine Smythe-Zajc [email protected].
Flower Guild
Volunteers create floral arrangements to enhance worship services. Meet on Saturdays 8–11 a.m. Greening of the cathedral for Christmas is planned for December 18 from 12:30–3 p.m. Contacts: Diane Hexter [email protected]; Jon [email protected].
Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC)
GCC unites people across lines of race, class, religion and geography to promote public, private and civic sector actions to improve the quality of life of our neighborhoods. Contact: Gary Benjamin [email protected].
Knitting Pearls
This group meets for fellowship, prayer and knitting. All are welcome. Contact Toni Ponzo amp1of5@ or Beth Billings (leave her a message or text her at 216.543.2980).
Members read the Scripture lessons and the Prayers of the People at Sunday morning services, Evensong and special services. Periodic training is offered. Contact Ginger Bitikofer.
LGBTQ+ Ministry
Annual events include the Pride parade and Transgender Day of Remembrance. Members collaborate with CSU on a mentoring program for LGBTQ+ youth. Social activities, retreats and opportunities for advocacy. Contacts: Daniel McGuire [email protected]; Matthew Jaroszewicz [email protected].
Marion-Sterling Partnership
Trinity supplies tutors for struggling students (background check required) and offers drives for school supplies, food, clothing, and Christmas gifts each fall. To tutor or be a part of collection and distribution, Contact Becky Fuller sniderfuller@
Music & Art @ Trinity
BrownBag concerts at noon on Wednesday, in- person and livestreamed on musicandartattrinitycathedral. Seasonal evening concerts. Learn more at
Prayer Tree
This is a confidential ministry of intercessory prayer for those who have requested them for an extended period of time. Contact Doreen Hughes.
Racial Inventory Team
The purpose of Trinity’s racial inventory is to tell the story of how, over the years, the Trinity Cathedral congregation has and has not addressed racial justice. And, because Trinity is not only a local parish but also the Cathedral of the Diocese of Ohio, the racial inventory will also examine how the Diocese has and has not addressed racial justice and how that has affected the life of the Cathedral congregation. Our goal is to do this in a way that builds community based on an honest accounting of where we have come from, where we are now, and where our current commitments may lead us. Contact Charlotte Nichols [email protected].
Sacred Ground
Interested in deepening your understanding of racial equity? Join a Trinity lay-led Sacred Ground group. You can learn more about the program at Contact Debbie Likins-Fowler [email protected].
Sacred Space
A small group that meets on the first Tuesday of each month to explore a variety of forms of contemplative practice. Contact Charlotte Nichols cdn216@gmail. com.
Sacristans/Altar Guild
Sacristans prepare the altar, its linens and Eucharistic elements for worship. They help set the table before worship and clear it after the service. Contact Fran Csoma [email protected].
Sunday School
Weekly in-person classes for children ages Pre-K through 12th grade. Sunday mornings at 10:10 a.m. Contact Eric Travis.
Urban Farm
Located at East 35th and Cedar Ave. Provides healthy, organic vegetables, fruits and herbs for the hungry people in the Central neighborhood. Meets Saturdays from 9 a.m.–noon, seasonally March- October. Contact Scott Blanchard.
Ushers assist worshippers during services, providing guidance and hospitality. Friendly faces are needed: serve once a month. Contact Ginger Bitikofer.
Youth Group
Fun, Christ-centered community and service activities for youth. Meets second and fourth Sundays of the month after church (1–3 p.m.) for outings and service projects. Contact Eric Travis.