Meet the Clergy
Trinity clergy pastorally and administratively support the cathedral congregation, sit as ex-officio members of the vestry, and serve in diocesan and national church programming. The dean is the clergy-person with pastoral and visionary charge of the cathedral who represents the Cathedral and the Diocese in the civic community of Greater Cleveland. Trinity was established as the seat of the bishop of the Diocese of Ohio in 1907.
The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens is the 12th dean of Trinity Cathedral.
The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens
The Rev. Canon Adrienne Koch
Canon for Mission and Transformation
The Rt. Rev. Anne B. Jolly
Bishop of Ohio
Meet the Vestry
The vestry, in collaboration with the Dean, is responsible for the vision, governance, and ministry of Trinity Cathedral. This responsibility includes all finances, investments, property, personnel policies, programs and diocesan relations.
Jeff Spiess
Senior Warden
Kim DeNero Ackroyd
Junior Warden
Paul Herrgesell
Leader: Children & Youth
Marie Curry
Vestry: Peace, Justice & Mercy
Mark Biddlestone
Elizabeth Billings
Vestry: Worship, Art & Music
Martin Hermes
Vestry: Children & Youth
Diane Hexter
Vestry: Diocesan & National Ministry
Audry Hudak
Vestry: Invite, Welcome, Connect
Toni Ponzo
Cynthia Ries
Vestry: Adult Faith Formation
Marilyn Valencia
Vestry: Congregational Life
Meet the Administrative Staff
Doreen Hughes
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Dan Hout-Reilly
Meet the Programming Staff
Ginger Bitikofer
Associate for Membership & Congregational Life
Eric Travis
Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries
Cheryl Williams
Director of Development and Community Programming
Meet the Music Staff
Shiloh Roby
Director of Music
Emily Butler
Program Manager, Music and Art at Trinity Cathedral
JoEllen West
Organ Scholar and Music Librarian
Meet the Communications Staff
Brett Boardwine
Communications Manager
Sam Hubish
Livestream Producer
Brandon McCreary
Audio Technician
Meet the Facilities & Hospitality Staff
Jon Silvis
Operations Manager
Aretha McCreary
Hospitality Coordinator
Melvina Blair
Hospitality Coordinator
Terence Hunter