Mission & Vision
With an expansive and inclusive welcome, Trinity is committed to the love, justice, and mercy at the heart of the Christian faith.
The mission of Trinity Cathedral is to proclaim in word and action God’s justice, love and mercy for all creation.
Trinity Cathedral’s vision is to be a sacred place for all people, a place of transcendent worship and music, lifelong spiritual growth, and transformative social engagement.
Trinity offers an essential and inspirational voice for human dignity in greater Cleveland and seeks to be a gathering place for God’s beloved community. The cathedral is a beacon in the city, proclaiming and living God’s dream of restoration.
Trinity Cathedral is a spirit-filled expression of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, and through it, acts as a resource for the flourishing and dynamic ministry of The Episcopal Church.
The congregation of Trinity is shaped mutually by commitments to the city and to the wider church, and by a vocation to celebrate the lively interplay of tradition, creativity, and faith. We cultivate and nurture lifelong spiritual growth, as we come together in mutual celebration at all stages of the journey of faith. Guided by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the love of Jesus, we seek to walk humbly with God and our neighbors.