Choral Ensembles
Trinity is blessed with two outstanding choral ensembles that provide music for worship services, including Choral Evensong. The Cathedral Choir (established in 1907) and the Trinity Chamber Singers also make appearances at Music & Art at Trinity Cathedral’s BrownBag and seasonal evening concerts.
Cathedral Choir
The Trinity Cathedral Choir provides music for Trinity’s 11:15 a.m. service, weekly Choral Evensong services and other special events. Members range from high-school and college students through adults of all ages. Although some of its members are professionals, the choir is open through audition to volunteers with good sight-reading skills who can commit themselves to its regular schedule of rehearsals and services. Fun, friendship and the shared bond of music-making make this a special group.
Chamber Singers
The Trinity Chamber Singers is an auditioned group of approximately 18 highly skilled and experienced singers. They sing Evensong every other week (alternating with the Cathedral Choir), in addition to performing occasionally at other services and concerts at the cathedral and around the diocese.
Trinity’s choral ensemles are made up of professional and volunteer singers with rehearsals occuring weekly. For information on participation and audition, contact Shiloh Roby.