What We Believe
Trinity Cathedral is an active and lively congregation serving downtown Cleveland, northeast Ohio and the people and churches of the Diocese of Ohio.
We are a congregation of members and friends who gather in worship, service, and companionship to celebrate the life-changing and abundant love of God.
We live by the hope and promise of resurrection, and the risen Christ is at the heart of our faith.
We are formed by regular prayer: through weekly worship and daily prayer. We express our gratitude to God through compassion, generosity, love of neighbor, and praise.
As an Episcopal church, we are primarily formed in faith through liturgies based upon the Book of Common Prayer and supplemented by contemporary authorized texts that help us rediscover an expansive vocabulary for God and the people of God.
As a cathedral in downtown Cleveland, we have a vocation to be a part of making Cleveland a place where the dignity of all people is celebrated and respected.
We know God through mystery and silence, through beauty and art, through music and prayer, through healing relationships and through the gifts of the sacraments.
We celebrate God’s gift of diversity, and we believe that we know God through it. We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to radical inclusion, breaking down divisions so that we can see the face of God in one another.
We grieve the brokenness of the world and are committed to the work of reconciliation, especially that of racial reconciliation and full LGBTQ inclusion.
The sacraments of baptism and Eucharist ground our identity and connect us to God. We recall our baptism through confirmation, marriage, reconciliation (confession), ministration of the sick and ordination.
Holy Scripture is the word of God and is God’s gift to us, offering wisdom and revelation that connects our story to God’s story.
God has given us the gift of reason to help us claim the freedom God envisions for us; because Scripture is not simply a rule-book, we require reason to discern how to live faithfully.
Tradition is our connection to what has come before; it is the gift of continuity. From the early church to the civil rights movement, the dynamic tradition of the church helps us see God’s dream for us today.
We are guided by the pastoral direction of our bishop, who is an expression of the apostolic witness of the church.
Our faith is shaped by the historic creeds (Nicene and Apostles); we express our beliefs by praying the creeds each week and through alternative prayers that illuminate what they teach.
The Holy Spirit is a living part of who we are.
We have a place for you and are ready to see what God will teach us through your presence at Trinity.
Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio, welcomes people of every race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical and mental ability, national origin, and economic station-none of which may limit full participation in the life of our community.
"Full participation in the life of our community" means equal access to all the benefits and responsibilities …
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