Abundance . . . and Gratitude

Why do we love St. Francis so much?
It’s hard to top St. Francis in popularity contest among saints. To most folks he’s the GOAT – the Greatest of All Time – unless it’s December when everyone loves St. Nicholas best.
This Sunday we’ll celebrate St. Francis with the annual Blessing of the Animals (at the 9am Abundant Table), but also reflect on what it was about Francis we love so much. He loved animals, he loved God’s creation. But more importantly, he loved all of God’s children and believed that embracing poverty was the only way to share in the freedom that provides for us all.
That is profoundly counter-intuitive in our culture. We would hardly thank God for poverty, or say grace over a lack of material things. We are far more likely to “count our blessings” by rattling off the fine things we are fortunate to have: a safe and dry home, the means to provide for our family, the gifts of comfort and convenience that are part of our everyday lives. I know that I do.
Yet Francis embraced poverty – indeed, he fell in love with it – because it forged in him a radical and daily sense of gratitude for everything God provided. Every day, Francis woke up trusting that God would provide what little he needed for the day, and that filled his heart with joy.
Francis had discovered that gratitude is the pathway to true freedom.
As we each discern how our generosity can deepen our relationship with God, I hope that you will use this season to fine-tune your sense of gratitude. I hope that giving to Trinity will strengthen your awareness of God’s abundance, and fill you with thankfulness. If you’re ready to make a pledge, simply return your card and envelope or visit our website by October 29.
Gratitude is the pathway to true freedom.