Vestry Submits Bylaw Amendments for Consideration

The Vestry of Trinity Cathedral submits the following proposed amendments to the Cathedral Bylaws for consideration and possible adoption by the congregation at its upcoming annual meeting, scheduled for February 4, 2024. Relevant wording changes are highlighted.

Qualifications and requirements for the position of Treasurer

The vestry is proposing to permit the treasurer to be either a member of the vestry or a congregational member at-large. This would broaden our field of potential candidates.

As currently worded, Article IV, Section 3(a) states:

Sec. 3. The Vestry shall have the power and duty:a) To elect annually, at Vestry’s first meeting following the Annual Meeting, from its own number two Wardens and a Treasurer, and to elect annually from members of the Cathedral who are Qualified Voters, a Clerk of the Vestry; and may elect from such members an Assistant Clerk and an Assistant Treasurer.

The Vestry proposes the following amendment:

Note that, if adopted, this amendment would require alteration of the Treasurer’s listed responsibilities and authority. Therefore, the Vestry also proposes the following amendments to Article VII, Section 1:

Sec. 3. The Vestry shall have the power and duty:a) To elect annually, at Vestry’s first meeting following the Annual Meeting:
i) from its own number, two Wardens;
ii) from its own number or from members of the Cathedral who are Qualified Voters, a Treasurer;
iii) from members of the Cathedral who are Qualified Voters, a Clerk of the Vestry
iv) at its discretion, from members of the Cathedral who are Qualified Voters, an Assistant Clerk and an Assistant Treasurer.

Existing provision:

Sec. 1. The Vestry shall create an Executive Committee, consisting of the Dean, the Wardens, and the Treasurer. It shall also create a Finance Committee and an Audit Committee, both chaired by the Treasurer, and may create such other standing or ad hoc committees of the Vestry, as it shall determine. If the Treasurer is not a member of the Vestry, they may participate in Vestry discussions but may not have a vote in Vestry matters. Vestry shall create a Stewardship Committee. Vestry committees shall consist of at least one Vestry member and such other members as the Vestry shall appoint. The Vestry may delegate to any such Vestry committee any authority of the Vestry, however, conferred, other than any authority or responsibility set forth in Article IX of these By-Laws.

Proposed Revision:

Sec. 1. The Vestry shall create an Executive Committee, consisting of the Dean, the Wardens, and the Treasurer. It shall also create a Finance Committee and an Audit Committee, both chaired by the Treasurer, and, in the event that the Treasurer is not a Vestry member, co-chaired by a Vestry member. The Vestry may create such other standing or ad hoc committees of the Vestry, as it shall determine. If the Treasurer is not a member of the Vestry, they may participate in Vestry discussions but may not have a vote in Vestry matters. Vestry shall create a Stewardship Committee. Vestry committees shall consist of at least one Vestry member and such other members as the Vestry shall appoint. The Vestry may delegate to any such Vestry committee any authority of the Vestry, however, conferred, other than any authority or responsibility set forth in Article IX of these By-Laws.

Election of Delegates to Diocesan Convention

Previously, our bylaws, assuming an annual meeting in the spring, mandated election of Diocesan Convention delegates and alternates in April; as our meeting is now held earlier in the year, this is no longer valid.

Current wording of ARTICLE X, Section 1 on Election of Delegates to Diocesan Convention states:

Sec. 1. The Delegation to Diocesan Convention shall include: three delegates and three alternates who are members in good standing of the congregation, elected by Vestry at their April meeting, with public notice given of the results.

Vestry proposes removal of the timing requirement of this election (the highlighted text above).

The vestry will host an informational session this Thursday Jan. 4 at 5pm via zoom. The link and passcode are provided below.