Trinity Grant Recipient Accepts Job as ICU Nurse

Liberty Mosher, a recipient of Trinity’s Wise, Warmeling, Way Fund, has accepted a position at St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital. Following her graduation from Mercy College and Bowling Green State University in 2024, she will join the staff in the Medical ICU. Liberty plans to attend graduate school in the future in pursuit of a master’s degree.

The Wise, Warmeling, Way Fund assists deserving students, like Liberty, who wish to devote their lives to ordained ministry or the practice of medicine. The fund covers a portion of a student’s academic tuition. The application period for the 2024-2025 academic year is now open. The application deadline is February 29, 2024

Seminarians, nursing students, and medical students are eligible to apply. To do so, students should submit a completed and signed application by either emailing it to [email protected], faxing the application to 216-771-3657, or by mail (instructions on application). Alternatively, you may apply online by clicking the link below.