The Gift of a Will

Recently my wife and I revised our wills.
There had been some changes in our family, and we had not actually made any changes when first moving to Ohio, so we knew it was time to update our plans to make sure that our wishes for our children and for our wider family and causes that are near to our heart would be understood and honored.
A will is more than just a financial document: it’s a way to care for those we leave behind. When we make our wishes clear (and ready to be carried out legally) we can provide a great deal of comfort to our families, who will then be able to focus more on grief and healing than on discerning our likely or possible wishes. Preparing a will can be the difference between our wishes being carried out, or being largely disregarded; but more positively, it can also help us to empower and resources causes, institutions, and churches that we love. It is a way that we teach our children and our families what we value.
August is National Make-A-Will Month, and I hope you’ll take a moment to consider what matters to you, who matters to you, and how a clear estate plan can help those people and things thrive after you are gone. No matter what your age and life in stage, it’s important to consider making a will.
Death, where is thy sting?
As Christians we hold fast to the promise of resurrection, that we and our loved ones will be raised with Christ. Our eternal-mindset also leads us to care for the world in which we live, and that includes caring for those who will be here long after we have entered the nearer presence of God.