More Faithful, Healthy and Effective

Congregational development is at the heart of what ministry leaders do. I am grateful that our vestry and staff and mission team leaders are constantly doing the work of prayerful discernment around how Trinity Cathedral, as a worshipping congregation, is a constellation of vital and transformative ministries, and as an expression of the Diocese of Ohio, can become the faithful community that God envisions us to be.

This week I am in Detroit for a weeklong session of the College of Congregational Development, an initiative that for a decade and a half has been forming leaders to help their churches, cathedrals, and dioceses to thrive. Those of you whoā€™ve been on a vestry or a committee with me know that I love this stuff: I firmly believe that learning and exploring best practices for everything from liturgy to pastoral care to community engagement help to strengthen all the ministries that are so close to our hearts.

Congregational development (using the collegeā€™s definition) is ā€œthe development of congregations of all sizes, locations, and conditionsā€ into communities that are ā€œmore faithful, healthy and effective.ā€ The same skills we learn for parish development can also be used for building up mission teams, small groups, committees and churchwide ministries within a cathedral such as ours.

Do you see where Iā€™m going with this? Learning about things like congregational life cycles, trust building, cultural competency, change management, gathering and incorporation, and even facilitating effective conversations can deepen our shared toolbox for building and strengthening Trinity Cathedral at all levels.

Iā€™m part of a team of priests from the Diocese of Ohio sent by Bishop Anne, in hopes that we will be able to offer this college here for clergy and laypeople in our own diocese soon. Stay tunedā€¦there may be a chance for you to attend, though I promise to share what Iā€™m learning with all of you in the months to come.