GCC Community Justice Concerns

Our Christian baptismal promise is to seek and serve Christ in all persons, love our neighbors as ourselves, to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. This is why we are a part of Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC). We believe people working together have the power to change Greater Cleveland for the better. So we join with other communities of faith in our area to build power for social justice and affect change in Cuyahoga County.

Post pandemic lockdown, Trinity’s GCC Core team is reassessing justice concerns in our congregation to make sure that the issues we say we are interested in are actually the things we are interested in as a community. If you have ever signed up for GCC news or have shared your interest in justice concerns with Trinity staff, you may be on the list of 150 people who will be contacted between January 1 and March 31, 2024. The hope is to talk for 30 minutes about justice concerns you might have. This is not a recruitment call, just a get-to-know-you that will help Trinity’s core team inform GCC as a whole what Trinity cares about most. If you’d like to make sure you’re on this list, please fill out this brief form: