Casting a Vision

There are seasons in our life when we bring our dreams and our generosity alongside all the gifts of those who came before us, to co-create something that is new, yet rooted in the dynamic history of this sacred place.
Over many months, Vestry and I have been crafting a vision of where we feel our cathedral is called to grow, and the work that will allow us to realize that vision. In discussing our hopes and dreams for the cathedral, we’ve begun shaping a scope of work that will help us get there. We’ve also done some vital pre-work to help us strengthen the fabric of our Trinity community while preparing the ground for decades of life-changing ministry to come.
This Sunday – Trinity Sunday! – I’ll share in my Dean’s Forum some of our current thoughts and ideas, and offer ways that the congregation can offer input. Indeed, so many folks have expressed interest in this forum that I’ll offer twice, once at 10:10 and then immediately after the later service, at about 12:30, to accommodate and make space for all those who’d like to be present.
We’ll also record the forum, make slides available, and tell you how you can offer feedback.
I am excited to share and discuss this vision with you as we consider some exciting opportunities for Trinity in the years to come.
The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens