​A Season of Belovedness & Renewal

Trinity Cathedral is at an exciting crossroads. From growing attendance to new programs and increased giving, we’re emerging from the pandemic fueled by a renewed spirit and several years of sustained growth. We have done foundational work, from vision-casting to reconsidering ministry structure, and we are seeing that work bear abundant fruit.

Please plan to join us this Sunday for our Annual Meeting, where our ministry leaders will share the cathedral’s progress, health and aspirations for the future, reflecting on 2023 and looking forward to the future. In tomorrow’s publication of the Annual Report, you will discover many indications of our growth, from increasing membership to flourishing Adult Faith Formation, congregational activities, and neighborhood partnerships, as well as the expansion of our staff and leadership opportunities. We have engaged in initiatives from the hard work of considering our history with regards to race to the joyful work of commissioning hymns to celebrate the ministry of our new bishop.

All of this is towards a goal, and it is not to simply strengthen and grow the Cathedral community. Our work is not about arrival, but departure: Christ calls us to go, to share the good news of God’s love and the dignity and belovedness of each and every human being.

That, friends, is why we are here. That’s why we have choirs and homilies and bible studies. That’s why we have vestries and bylaws and bulletins. That’s why we celebrate baptism and weddings and ordinations and funerals and resurrection. That’s why we gather to pass the peace that passes understanding.

Join us on Sunday to celebrate the abundance of God, and our hopes for the future!

The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens