A Cathedral in Time

This past week has been one of the few “slow” times at the cathedral that I can remember, as so many staff members and congregational folks were away or simply taking advantage of the long July 4th weekend. Though Trinity might sometimes shift a gear or two down for a few weeks in the summertime, there’s still lots happening, whether summer programs for the diocese or planning for the coming year.

Yet we do move into a somewhat different pace, as I know many of you do as well. Catching up on time off means spending time with family, whether taking our kids to camp, hosting family visits, or heading to the pool for a Saturday afternoon. It’s a time for rest and recreation – but even in that word we find something holy: re-creation.

Summertime brings to mind sabbath, and sabbath brings to mind a cathedral. Not the beautiful cathedral building at the corner of Euclid and 22nd, though: rather, it reminds me of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s wonderful image for the sabbath when he described it as a day when new space is created in time to delight in the abundant love of God: he called the sabbath a Cathedral in Time.

This says something about sabbath, but it also says something about a cathedral. Both are times or spaces set apart, with a wideness opened up in which to simply experience the love and abundance of our creator.

I pray that this summer is a time of rest and re-creation for you, but also of abundance, joy, and above all, delight.

Music Search Committee Update

I’m thrilled to welcome Cliff Hill to the music director search committee, in addition to the folks we mentioned in last week’s letter. I had originally invited Cliff to the team but we had a miscommunication regarding his availability. Thanks to Cliff for joining as you are able!