Life’s Joys & Sorrows —
Prayer Requests
At Trinity, we share life’s joys and sorrows with one another. We strive to be a supportive community where comfort can be found, especially during times of personal difficulty or grief. If you are in need of prayer, you can request your name be added to our prayer lists. We offer a public prayer list in our Sunday bulletin, and a private list via the Prayer Tree.
- Our Sunday Bulletin Prayer List is for new or urgent concerns, requesting prayer for our members and also for those they love. This public list is printed in our weekly bulletins and also read at our worship services, so we ask that requestors seek permission of the person to be prayed for before making a prayer request. Friends and family for whom prayer is requested may remain on the list for 6 weeks, then they will be moved to the Prayer Tree if continued prayer is desired.
- Our Prayer Tree is a private list for individuals who don’t want to be prayed for publicly, for friends and family who may not have given permission, and for long-term or extended prayer requests. The list remains confidential and is only shared with Trinity’s prayer warriors who are part of this ministry.
Speak With Clergy —
Pastoral Care
The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens
The Rev. Canon Adrienne Koch
Prayer requests can be made by completing the form below.