Event Series Expansive Evensong

Expansive Evensong

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Building on the rich heritage of sung Choral Evensong, this service will explore how an ancient liturgy has evolved around new forms of worship. By blending time-honored traditions with fresh …

Event Series Healing Eucharist

Healing Eucharist

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Each Thursday, Trinity holds a special Healing Eucharist: a quiet, profound service that offers a mid-week respite for worshipers. All are invited to Holy Communion and, if desired, a laying-on …

Event Series The Abundant Table

The Abundant Table

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

This expansive intergenerational service of Holy Eucharist offered at 9 a.m. Building on a 20-year tradition of contemporary worship on Sunday mornings, the Abundant Table service is a service that: joyfully expands the tradition while remaining rooted in it, seeking creative ways to connect ancient faith to contemporary experience, welcomes children, teenagers and adults of …

The Episcopal Tradition with Frank Wade

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Birthed in England in the 1500s, the Anglican faith spread around the world, including the New World of America, where the Episcopal Church began and continues to inspire millions of lives. Frank Wade gives us a reasoned and thoughtful introduction to the Episcopal tradition. After the Revolutionary War it would seem that anything English would …

Event Series Choral Eucharist

Choral Eucharist

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Trinity's choral ensembles and pipe organs offer excellent music in the Anglican tradition at this more formal service. Children can worship and/or play in the interactive soft space, located in …

Event Series Brownbag Concerts

Five Lakes Chinese Ensemble

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

The Five Lakes Chinese Music Ensemble was established in Cleveland about 40 years ago. Members are dedicated musicians with extensive experience performing at many cultural events in Northeast Ohio. Musicians …

Choral Evensong

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Choral Evensong, or sung Evening Prayer, has existed for centuries as a way of finding solace, stillness, and rest at the end of a busy day. Led by the Cathedral Choir, this service, which is open to all, irrespective of personal faith, serves as both a living history and a sacred tradition. It invites participants …

Event Series Healing Eucharist

Healing Eucharist

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

Each Thursday, Trinity holds a special Healing Eucharist: a quiet, profound service that offers a mid-week respite for worshipers. All are invited to Holy Communion and, if desired, a laying-on of hands and anointing for healing of themselves or others.

Event Series The Abundant Table

The Abundant Table

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

This expansive intergenerational service of Holy Eucharist offered at 9 a.m. Building on a 20-year tradition of contemporary worship on Sunday mornings, the Abundant Table service is a service that: joyfully expands the tradition while remaining rooted in it, seeking creative ways to connect ancient faith to contemporary experience, welcomes children, teenagers and adults of …

Event Series Genesis with Vicki Garvey

Genesis with Vicki Garvey

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH, United States

In the beginning... Take a deep dive into the first book of the Bible with Dr. Vicki Garvey, a professor at Bexley-Seabury and former Canon for Lifelong Education at the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. Originally offered as a series of six live classes, this long-form course offers six sessions with video presentations from Dr. Garvey …