Ministry Leaders —
Mission Teams
The ministry of Trinity Cathedral is guided and supported by seven mission teams, made up of committed ministry leaders, vestry representatives and cathedral staff members. Each team gathers regularly to support and shape the ministries of Trinity, helping them to thrive, to grow in participation and impact, and to be attentive to seasons of rest and renewal.
The mission teams are supported by the Cathedral Ministries Committee, a core committee of the elected vestry. This committee recruits and appoints mission team members, offers guidance to ministry leaders, and ensures that their faithful work is a part of the ongoing vision and governance of the cathedral vestry.
Mission Teams empower the members and friends of Trinity Cathedral to be the ministers of the church, and to make Trinity a Sacred Place for All People.

Faith Formation
The Adult Faith Formation mission team offers oversight of programming including Bible studies, forums, classes, retreats and other educational events that guide people to Jesus and into Christlikeness through sacred conversations, scripture, study, practice, prayer, and spiritual experience.
Call to Action:
To guide people to Jesus and into Christlikeness through sacred conversations, scripture, study, practice, prayer, and spiritual experience.

Cynthia Ries

Luke Taylor

Pam Meyers

David Crampton

The Rev. Canon Adrienne Koch
Programs: Education, Children & Youth
Peace, Justice & Mercy
Through the active work of Peace, Justice, and Mercy ministries and the reflective work of prayer, worship, and study, Trinity lives its faith through actions grounded in integrity and impact. Through the faithful work of peace and justice, the church works to proclaim God’s Good News as we celebrate God’s profound love for all creation.
Call to Action:
To cultivate opportunities to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God as individuals and as the Congregation of Trinity Cathedral.

Marie Curry

Char Nichols

Dan Senger

Gary Benjamin

The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens
Programs: Racial Recognition, Creation Care, Greater Cleveland Congregation, Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Neighborhood Partnerships
The Neighborhood Partnerships mission team (insert description)
Call to Action:
Just as God came to be in relationship with us, this committee develops reciprocal relationships of support with geographic neighbors, especially in Central, Midtown, and Campus Districts.

Toni Ponzo

Bill DiTirro

Becky Fuller

Betsy Lantz

The Rev. Canon Adrienne Koch
Programs: Marion-Sterling School, Campus Ministries, Urban Farm, St. Vincent Medical Center
Congregational Life
Fellowship is defined as a friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interests. Trinity’s members and friends find rich fellowship at the cathedral. Getting to know each other outside of worship truly helps to build community. Anyone can participate and all are welcome.
Call to Action:
To continue in the apostle’s teaching and companionship, in the breaking of bread and in the prayers. To carry out the work of the Good Shepherd, by supporting the flock at Trinity Cathedral through the joys and hardships of life.

Marilyn Valencia

John Chapman

Matthew Jaroszewicz

Carol Gallagher

Ginger Bitikofer
Programs: A Place at the Table, Congregational Events
Invite, Welcome, Connect
The Invite, Welcome, Connect mission team creates opportunities for hospitality and evangelism to cultivate new relationships and engage newcomers through intentional welcoming.
Call to Action:
To go and make disciples of all nations by cultivating intentional practices of evangelism, hospitality, and belonging; to renew Trinity through a continual process of welcoming and celebrating new relationships.

Audry Hudak

Ron Ross

Andrea Elliott

Jeff Ackroyd

Ginger Bitikofer
Diocesan & National Ministry
Trinity is an expression of the vibrant ministry of the the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, a group of more than 80 congregations in the northern half of Ohio. Our bishop is the Rt. Rev. Anne B. Jolly, the 12th bishop of the diocese.
Call to Action:
As the church universal, we recognize we are one body in Christ. This committee supports the larger mission of The Episcopal Church through support of diocesan and national programs and causes.

Diane Hexter

Debbie Linkins Fowler

The Rev. Leah Romanelli DeJesus

Ute Vilfroy

The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens
Worship, Art & Music
Through literature, art, music and teaching, Trinity creates opportunities for you to have transcendent encounters with God.
Call to Action:
To create opportunities for transcendent encounters with God at Trinity Cathedral, through liturgy, art and music, faithfully balancing tradition and innovation.

Elizabeth Billings

Wendy Miano

Karla Rivers

Emily Butler
Programs: Worship, Music & Art
Take Part in Worship —
Worship Ministries
Each week, Trinity holds numerous services, each of which requires the time and talent of volunteers who help in many ways. This includes choir members, lectors, altar guild/sacristans, vergers, greeters, ushers, acolytes, and flower guild members.
Flower Guild
Trinity’s Flower Guild creates beautiful floral arrangements for worship and special occasions.
Altar Guild
Along with the vergers, this group ensures that the cathedral is ready for worship.
This group reads the Scripture lessons and prayers for Sunday services, Choral Evensong and special services.
Welcome and assist members and visitors. Ushers ensure that no one feels like a stranger at Trinity.
Youth and adult acolytes assist the clergy during worship services, assisting in procession, during the proclamation of the Gospel and the celebration of the sacraments.
Young people in grade 5 are invited to train as acolytes. Youth acolytes are from grades 6–12.
Trinity’s vergers guide and oversee the lay liturgical ministers – from acolytes to sacristans – who make our worship services possible, and work to make sure our multilayered liturgies run smoothly.