Choral Evensong: Bakhita, Monastic

Choral Evensong: Bakhita, Monastic

February 7
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Choir: Trinity Cathedral Choir, with organist Rees Taylor Roberts
Homilist: The Very Rev. Bernard J Owens
Hymns:26, 567
Responses: Richard Ayleward (1626-1669)
Psalm 91
Service:Herbert Murrill in E (1909-1952)
Anthem:The eyes of all wait upon thee – Jean Berger (1909-2002)
Postlude : Air from Suite No. 1 – Florence Beatrice Price (1887-1953)

Order of Service:

Prelude: Improvisation
Opening Preces
Office Hymn 26
Psalm 91
First Lesson: Colossians 1:24–29
Second Lesson: Luke 18:1–8
Nunc Dimittis
Apostle’s Creed
Responses, Lord’s Prayer, and Collects
Anthem: The Lord will Surely Come – Gerre Hancock (1934‐2012)
Spoken Prayers
Concluding Versicle and Response
Hymn 567
Postlude — Air from Suite No. 1 – Florence Beatrice Price (1887-1953)

The Lord will Surely Come –Gerre Hancock

Kyrie eleison. The Lord will surely come and not delay, and He will bring to light the things hidden in darkness. The Lord will surely come, and will manifest Himself to all nations. Kyrie eleison. Therefore work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish.

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