Trinity’s pipe organs include a mechanical-action organ by the famous Dutch firm Flentrop in 1977. This organ consists of 39 ranks over 3 manuals, and is located in a gallery at the rear of the cathedral nave.
A new Muller pipe organ was installed in the chancel in 2021. This instrument combines the Aeolian-Skinner organ built originally for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia with pipes from a Skinner organ at the Church of the Transfiguration in Cleveland, donated by the Diocese of Ohio, along with new pipework and mechanical components. It has 4 manuals and 51 ranks.
Organ Stops
The Great Organ (1977) by Flentrop, Zaandam, Netherlands
- 16′ Prestant
- 8′ Prestant
- 8′ Roerfluit
- 4′ Octaaf
- 3′ Quint
- 2′ Octaaf
- III-V Mixtuur
- II-III Scherp
- 16′ Fagot
- 8′ Trompet
ENWERK (Expressive)
- 8′ Prestant
- 8′ Bourdon
- 8′ Gamba (from c’)
- 4′ Octaaf
- 4′ Fluit
- 2 2/3′ Nasard
- 2′ Flageolet
- 1 3/5′ Terz
- 1′ Flageolet
- 8′ Schalmey
- 4′ Trompet
RUGWERK 8′ Prestant (from F)
- 8′ Gedeckt
- 4′ Octaaf
- 4′ Roerfluit
- 2′ Octaaf
- 1 1/3′ Larigot
- II Sesquialter
- III-IV Mixtuur
- 8′ Kromhoorn
- 16′ Bourdon
- 8′ Octaaf
- 8′ Gedeckt
- 4′ Octaaf
- 2′ Woudfluit
- 16′ Bazuin
- 8′ Trompet
- 4′ Trompet
Mechanical key and stop action
Tremulant to entire organ
Tuning: equal
The Muller-Aeolian/Skinner Organ (Restored 2020-2021)
GREAT (6½” and 4½” w.p.)
- 16′ Gemshorn
- 8′ Open Diapason
- 8′ Principal
- 8′ Bourdon
- 8′ Gemshorn (ext.)
- 4′ Octave Diapason
- 4′ Octave
- 4′ Harmonic Flute 2⅔’
- Twelfth 2′
- Fifteenth 2′
- Mixture IV
- 8′ Trumpet
- 8′ Tuba (Solo)
SOLO (expressive; 18”, 10”, 6” w.p.)
- 8′ Orchestral Flute
- 8′ Gamba
- 8′ Gamba
- 8’ Celeste
- 8′ Dulcet II
- 8′ French Horn
- 8′ Flugel Horn
- 8′ Clarinet
- 16′ Tuba
- 8′ Tuba (ext.)
- Tremolo
CHOIR (expressive; 4½” w.p.)
- 16′ Quintadena
- 8′ Principal
- 8′ Concert Flute
- 8′ Quintadena (ext.)
- 8′ Dulciana
- 8′ Unda Maris
- 4′ Octave (ext.)
- 4′ Koppelflöte
- 2⅔’ Nazard
- 2′ Blockflöte
- 1³⁄5′ Tierce
- 8′ English Horn
- 8′ Tuba (Solo)
- Tremolo
- Great to Pedal 8, 4
- Swell to Pedal 8, 4
- Choir to Pedal 8, 4
- Solo to Pedal 8, 4
- Swell to Great 16, 8, 4
- Choir to Great 16, 8, 4
- Solo to Great 16, 8, 4
- Swell to Choir 16, 8, 4
- Solo to Choir 16, 8, 4
- Choir to Swell 8
- Solo to Swell 8
- Great to Solo 8
- Swell to Solo 8
- Choir to Solo 8
SWELL (expressive; 5” w.p.)
- 16′ Rohr Gedeckt
- 8′ Geigen Principal
- 8′ Rohrflöte (ext.)
- 8′ Viole de Gambe
- 8′ Voix céleste
- 8′ Flute Celeste II
- 4′ Octave Geigen
- 4′ Flute
- 2 Flautino (ext.)
- 1⅓’ Mixture IV
- 16′ Contre Hautbois
- 8′ Trompette
- 8′ Hautbois (ext.)
- 8′ Vox Humana
- 4′ Clairon Tremolo
PEDAL (6½” w.p.)
- 32′ Double Diapason (digital)
- 32′ Subbass (digital)
- 16′ Diapason
- 16′ Bourdon
- 16′ Rohr Gedeckt (Sw.)
- 16′ Quintadena (Ch.)
- 16′ Gemshorn (Gt.)
- 8′ Principal (ext.)
- 8′ Bourdon (ext.)
- 8′ Rohrflöte (Sw.)
- 4′ Super Octave (ext.)
- 4′ Orchestral Flute (Solo)
- 32′ Trombone (digital)
- 16′ Thoburn Trumpet (digital)
- 16′ Tuba (Solo)
- 16′ Contre Hautbois (Sw.)
- 8′ Trumpet (Gt.)
- 8′ Tuba (Solo)
- 4′ Clarinet (Solo)
- All Swells to Swell
- Manual Transfer
- Zimbelstern
- Chimes (digital)
- Harp (digital)