All Day

2025 Stewardship Campaign: With Gladness in My Heart

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland

What makes a good stewardship campaign? Money, of course, because it supports all we are able to do here at Trinity. But is money really the most important part? Jesus calls us to be transformed in our hearts and minds. Transforming in this way is a lifelong process that we do in community, through prayer …

Thanksgiving Basket Drive (2024)

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland

At Thanksgiving we yearn to express thankfulness for all of our blessings and one way we do that is through generosity. Trinity does this by partnering with Marion-Sterling School to help provide a Thanksgiving meal to families. Having previously split the purchases and responsibility with St. Hubert's Episcopal Church in Mentor, Trinity is now providing all 100 Thanksgiving baskets so that all …

Event Series Early Eucharist

Early Eucharist

The Chapel 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland

Our service schedule begins with the Early Eucharist in the chapel. This intimate service features basic music and follows the Book of Common Prayer in its order of worship.

Event Series The Abundant Table

The Abundant Table

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland

This expansive intergenerational service of Holy Eucharist offered at 9 a.m. Building on a 20-year tradition of contemporary worship on Sunday mornings, the Abundant Table service is a service that: joyfully expands the tradition while remaining rooted in it, seeking creative ways to connect ancient faith to contemporary experience, welcomes children, teenagers and adults of …

Event Series The Dean’s Forum

The Dean’s Forum: Social Justice Working Report

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland

How is God calling us to address systems of inequality and injustice in the world, and especially in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio?  Last year a team of  ministry leaders had more than sixty one-on-one conversations with members of Trinity to ask what issues concerned them most, as a part of redeveloping our community organizing ministry. …

Event Series Choral Eucharist

Choral Eucharist

Trinity Cathedral 2230 Euclid Ave., Cleveland
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Trinity's choral ensembles and pipe organs offer excellent music in the Anglican tradition at this more formal service. Children can worship and/or play in the interactive soft space, located in the east transept. Children’s Chapel, age-appropriate worship for ages 3-11, is offered during this service (after the Gospel until the passing of the peace).