Christmas Invitations
If our faith matters to us, if it is something we value, then it’s worth sharing with others. It’s worth offering an invitation.
My favorite joke about Episcopalians is this: An Episcopalian’s definition of Evangelism is that we’re really nice to people and we hope that someday someone will ask us why!
The point is that we shy away from aggressive proselytizing, and for good reason. But we become so shy that we fail to commend the faith that is in us.
But with Christmas services at the cathedral coming up, we have a singular opportunity to offer our neighbors a glimpse of our faith simply by sharing what we’ll be up to on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day, or at the Boar’s Head Festival on Saturday Dec. 28th.
Simply sharing on social media things like Trinity’s service times goes a long way. It’s a an easy way to share a glimpse of your faith. But it also communicates to all the people you know that Trinity Cathedral is a welcoming place, a lively place, and a sacred place for all people.
So many of our neighbors hunger for an encounter with God. Simply reminding them that Trinity welcomes them, and would welcome them especially on a night like Christmas Eve, may give someone an experience they’ve never had before.
And it might even change their life. That’s how important invitations can be.
Dear friends, I so look forward to seeing you in the coming days. Whether you join us for the fourth Sunday of Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or the Boar’s Head Festival – in person or online – I am excited to share the mysteries of Christ’s incarnation with you. I look forward to meeting all those who will enter the cathedral for the first time, or the first time in a long time, as they join in that experience with us.
The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens