Annual Meeting & New Foundations
Once every seven years, the feast of the Presentation of our Lord falls on a Sunday, giving us a chance to celebrate Candlemas in our Sunday worship. It’s a part of the Epiphany season when, along with the baptism of Jesus and the miracle of the wedding at Cana, we celebrate the gift of Jesus being shared with the whole world.
In the Presentation, the setting for the story is the temple itself, where two faithful people who spend much of their time there see Jesus for who he is, and who share that light with the whole world.
Though that temple was 500 years old, the presence of Jesus set a new foundation, a new pillar in the house of faith.
Our cathedral is not quite so old, yet we are in a season of setting new foundations. With gratitude for those who set the first cornerstone, as well as for those whose witness brought Trinity into a new season, we are beginning to set faithful foundations that will strengthen and sustain this cathedral for decades to come.
As the foundations of our world seem, far too often, to rumble and quake under our feet, the cathedral (and our witness) are a needed reminder of God’s steadfastness. That is ultimately why we are here, and why we are stewards of this unique and vital community of faith.
This Sunday, I look forward to gathering together for only two services (8 and 10am) followed by our Annual Meeting. It’s an essential gathering, where we elect leadership for the coming year, and explore together the foundations that God is setting in our midst.

The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens