A New Day

On the eve of the election for presiding bishop, the dean of my seminary welcomed us at an alumni event by reminding us of the importance of the occasion.
For each of these five presiding bishop candidates, he said, election would be of less significance than their original election and consecration as bishops.
And that, he continued, is less important than their call to ordained ministry, through which they have served the people of God in word and sacrament.
And that, he added, is far less important than the threshold of Baptism through which all faithful followers of Jesus embrace the path of a Spirit-led life
Which is precisely, he concluded, why this presiding bishop election means so much.
The presiding bishop casts a vision for the church while fostering systems and structures that empower us to be faithful, effective, and healthy followers of Jesus. Bishop Curry has blessed our church by grounding our witness and ministry firmly in the Gospel of Jesus, and we hope to see our church continue to grow in faith under the leadership of our new presiding bishop.
We now know that our bishops have called Sean Rowe to be next presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. Presiding Bishop-Elect Rowe is deeply respected by his colleagues throughout the church, has been a faithful bishop for almost two decades, and has professional and academic experience in systems change. In remarks after the election, he echoed the words of Thomas Merton in calling our church to have the courage to face the dynamic possibilities of our day.
This is a great day for the church, even as we celebrate the visionary and prophetic witness of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Let us raise a prayer of gratitude for faithful discernment, for a new generation of leadership in our Beloved church, and for the gift of Baptism that make us all a part of the Spirit’s work in the world!

The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens